I've been trying to get a report on Harold all day, and I haven't been able to make contact. If everything is going as planned, the boys are either picked up, or they should be getting close to a pickup point. It's dark now though, so if they are not bedded down, they won't be out yet.
I'm hoping that it just means they are taking as much time to come out as they did getting there (Timothy Lake). Truth be told, I was wondering how they could get back that fast anyway. The only thing that's getting under my skin is that we're not seeing the daily SPOT transmissions coming as we are supposed to.
(No SPOT transmission link to report)
Okay, so now what? When are authorities called in for a rescue? This is a serious situation, is it not??? I was one of the off-road guys who took them to their start point on last year's attempt and knowing the area and recent nasty weather we've been receiving, I'm very concerned for them. 3 days without sending a SPOT transmission means "go time" for a recovery mission if you ask me. Who's calling the shots on this? I hope these guys are OK. And I hope someone is managing this situation closely...